Zoom-lecture about the Writing Queens of Romania, Elisabeth (Carmen Sylva) and Marie
For those interested in the European royal history, a brief information about my next online lecture:
“The First Two Queens of Romania, Elisabeth (Carmen Sylva) and Marie. Prolific Writers and Cultural Ambassadresses of the Romanian Kingdom.”
Speaker: Silvia Irina Zimmermann, PhD
Research Center Carmen Sylva, Princely Archive of Wied, Neuwied
www.carmensylva-fwa.de · www.sizimmermann.de/arsreginae
Zoom-Lectures Organizer: Mårten Hougström, President at Friends of Royal Armoury Stockholm
Time: October 26, 2021, 19 :00 CET
Place: ZOOM link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88629142139
The history of the monarchy in Romania and of its four kings would be incomplete without the story of the queen consorts, who seem to have been even more fascinating personalities than the kings were. Especially the first two queen consorts, Elisabeth (Carmen Sylva) and Marie of Romania, became famous as writers during their lifetime. They both wrote in their mother tongues, Elisabeth in German and Marie in English, and published many of their books, not only in Romania, but also abroad, thus reaching a widespread readership, worldwide publicity, and literary recognition.
The slideshow-lecture presents the activity of the two queens of Romania as prolific writers serving their country and their vision about the ideal sovereign as revealed in their published works. Finally, it gives a brief description of a newer book about the writing Queens edited by Silvia Irina Zimmermann, containing a selection of their writings from British and American editions published during the lifetime of both queens.
The Child of the Sun: Royal Fairy Tales and Essays by the Queens of Romania, Elisabeth (Carmen Sylva, 1843-1916) and Marie (1875-1938). Selected and edited, with an introduction and bibliography by Silvia Irina Zimmermann. [Series of the Research Center Carmen Sylva – Princely Archive of Wied, vol. 9], 315 pages, 54 illustrations (7 colored), Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag (Ibidem Press), 2020, 315 pages, 54 illustrations (7 colored), ISBN-13: 978-3-8382-1393-4.
About the speaker:
Silvia Irina Zimmermann is initiator and coordinator of the Research Center Carmen Sylva of the Princely Archive of Wied. She has published several books, new editions, and studies about the life and writings of Carmen Sylva (born Princess Elisabeth of Wied, the first Queen of Romania).
For more information, see the website-links below: